Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Convictions & Lessons - Part 2

Back to the book I feel is so important to our learning how to continue to grow as a church, Go Big! by Easum & Cornelius. What are some of the other important points?
  • We must grow more leaders if we really expect to continue to grow. While we have a very high percentage of people involved in ministry (and that's a great thing), we are "leader-poor". More of us have to step up to the plate and be willing to lead people and ministries. With leadership comes higher standards and higher accountability.
  • We all need to encourage the development of a "farm system", much like Major League Baseball uses. In other words, each of us who is already in a responsibility, needs to call someone alongside us to be training and developing. Every teacher needs to be growing a new teacher who can take over the class or be sent out to start a new group. The same goes for greeters, musicians, prayer-warriors, and everyone else doing a ministry in the church.
  • As pastor, I must grow spiritually or the church will not grow spiritually or numerically. "You simply can't give what you don't have. And the larger a church grows, the more it relies on the spiritual growth of it's leader." (p. 72)

God's Plan for His Church's Spiritual & Numerical Growth is based on Ephesians 4:11-13:

  • Pastors do the equipping/training of Christians for service
  • The People do the work of God
  • As a result, the church is built up;
  • And unity is experienced

Finally, Easum & Cornelius make the comment that growing churches handle problems and problem-people quickly, directly, lovingly, and firmly. We must know and use Matthew 18 as our guide for personal relationships and conflicts.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, Ken! I noticed that you are reading "Jim & Casper Go to Church." I'm a volunteer with Jim's organization Off the Map and I wanted to let you know about our Live event coming up this November in Seattle. Both Jim and Matt Casper will be speaking at this event. Here is the link if you want to find out more: