I've never been known to run to the doctor very often -- or even get sick, so when I broke down and went to see my doctor the day before Thanksgiving, you know I was a little on the desperate side. For 10 days, my right ear had been closed, due to an infection. It's more than a little disconcerting to not be able to hear at a normal level. I noticed feeling a bit disoriented. It was aggravating to know that I was not always hearing what people were saying, or that I was, at best, guessing at what I thought they were saying. I couldn't appreciate our music at church, because certain pitches and tones just weren't coming through. I even noticed people were asking me to speak up -- I was apparently lowering my volume because with a closed ear, your own voice seems louder to you.
It all made me think about Paul's teaching about the Body of Christ -- that each person has a role -- an important role in the church. Guess what? When a member of the Body is absent, or just distracted, the whole Body suffers! I can't help but wonder if Crossroads has ever had an "ear infection". Do those who have a special role of discerning what God is saying to the Church ever fail to hear because of distractions or disobedience?
I suspect the answer is yes. Do you see how essential it is that every person in the church know what God has made them to be and do in the Body of Christ? Do you see how much we all contribute to what God is doing through us? Maybe you think you're unimportant, because you're just a toe! Have you ever thought about how important toes are? They give help in achieving balance and movement. My toes on my left foot don't have function -- believe me when I tell you how important toes are!
Be the Body! Be the part of the Body that God made you to be!
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