Thursday, September 18, 2008

A New Era Begins

For Crossroads, it's a new day. As with much of the last 2 years, it's exciting and scary, fun and draining, fulfilling and frustrating. And, it feels exactly right - like we really are doing something we believe God led us to do.

Last Sunday, we began for real, being a multi-site church. I'm sure that we're one of the smaller churches doing this. We've just now begun to average over 300 in worship and now we're asking people to consider leaving an established and growing ministry and move out to a high school auditorium with (initially) a small group of pioneers who are committed to growing a church.

Crossroads Anderson Creek is beginning much like her big sister did 18 years ago. Crossroads had a big launch and then settled into a smaller group who labored for years before having a permanent meeting place.

17,800-- that's the number I keep thinking about. It's the latest, conservative estimate of the population growth in Harnett County by 2013. By any standard, that's remarkable growth. One half of those people will move into the area we're planting Crossroads Anderson Creek. We can't start enough churches fast enough to reach that many new people.

Pray that we will be wise as we make decisions; good stewards of our resources; and obedient to every command the Lord gives us. If you live in the area, won't you join us!

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